Let's get your dream game done! Tell us about your creative vision and we’ll help you make it come to life.
Tom Kopera
Head of Growth
Multiplayer SDK
Competitive game development with no overhead
Smart Matchmaking
Fairness starts at matchmaking
Verifiable Replays
The best moments, captured
Bot Deployment
Engage with players at all levels
Simulation Analyzer
Pinpoint issues in your game
API Integration
React to your players in real-time
Technology that drives the revolution in competitive gaming
Explore the innovation and cutting edge technologies that power Elympics on the way to independent, decentralized competition
Learn how Elymipcs works
Open-Source projects
Bootstrap your project in seconds
Explore the world of gaming
Development Hub
Earn with Elympics as Certified Developer
Single Player with leaderboards
Compete offline with accumulated prize pools
Game Token Duel
Dueling for Real Rewards in Multiplayer Games
Battle Royale with Prize Pools
Esports-Level Competition Made On-Chain
Players’ Skill Profiles
Creating Digital Profiles Based on Players’ Skillset
Securing On-Chain Esports
Esports-level security in on-chain competitive gaming
Security & fairness
Seamless experience guaranteed
Serverless gameplay hosting
Scale without a slip
In-game Oracle
External source of truth
Gameplay secured by mathematics
Paid Competitive Gaming
Zero-sum games with blockchain tokens
Onboarding Players
Helping the next wave of players move on-chain
Simplify game creation with reduced overhead, improved security, and superior performance. Focus on your creative process, with complexity of networking handled in the background.
Create world-class competitive games with advanced networking
Separate in-game input into lightweight data structures that represent players’ intent. This data is then automatically signed and synchronized across the network between clients and authority, and later used to play out the game.
Elympics is responsible for managing game time and simulation speed. Simply create a function that applies a specific input that you recorded in step 1. This function will be called when at the appropriate time both on the client and server side (possibly more than once per input in case of state rollback). This is all done automatically!
Game objects that are influenced by inputs and physics have to be synchronized across network to ensure state consistency. To achieve this add Elympics synchronizers to your GameObjects on the gameplay scene.
The SDK ensures and guarantees that every action in your game unfolds the same way, every time, on all devices. This means that even in the chaotic world of multiplayer gaming, where every player's actions can affect the game world, the outcome of each action remains predictable and consistent.
Gameplay is based on math, and math is always consistent and predictable. Game function should always transform the game world to the next simulation tick, based solely on player’s inputs.
All game inputs and intents are applied in a transparent, verifiable way, with inputs delivered and signed by players. In-Game Oracle on the authority side ensures that no engine-level hacks are used during game execution.
With determinism and well-defined gameplay function, verifiable replays are lightweight and extremely powerful. Simply based on initial state and players’ validated inputs, replays are automatically recorded and delivered, so that you can view, debug, and even stream every game hosted with Elympics.
A cryptographic proof of every gameplay is created and stored within Elympics. This records all activity and confirms game results and scores. Transparently, with no room for hacks.
Record your gameplay directly in Unity, pause a multiplayer game, go back to a specific tick, view it directly on your gameplay scene. Verify snapshot and input data associated with this tick. Simply and consistently.
View and download game engine logs as they happen in the cloud, within a full production network environment.
Server side builds are delivered to Elympics Cloud directly from the SDK, as easily as building a game for the client. No special, dedicated setup, no separate codebase for the server.
Record your gameplay directly in Unity, pause a multiplayer game, go back to a specific tick, view it directly on your gameplay scene. Verify snapshot and input data associated with this tick. Simply and consistently.
View and download game engine logs as they happen in the cloud, within a full production network environment.
Server side builds are delivered to Elympics Cloud directly from the SDK, as easily as building a game for the client. No special, dedicated setup, no separate codebase for the server.