Deep Dive
July 12, 2024

When Web2 Meets Web3

The time has come for web2 giants to embrace blockchain technology

For years, the relationship between Web2 gaming and blockchain technology has been a dance of skepticism and resistance. Traditional gaming communities, with their well-established ecosystems and loyal player bases, often viewed blockchain through a lens of suspicion. Concerns about security, environmental impact, and the speculative nature of cryptocurrencies, which blockchain is often associated with, led to a cautious approach, if not outright rejection. However, the tides are now shifting. Blockchain technology is gradually shedding its negative image and emerging as a valuable tool, offering new possibilities for game development and player engagement with the recent collaboration between CCP Games, the creators of Eve Online, and blockchain technology marks a significant milestone in this evolving landscape.

The Giant Joins the Revolution

CCP Games, the Icelandic developer behind the long-running MMO Eve Online, has always been a trailblazer in the gaming industry. Recently, CCP announced plans to make its proprietary Carbon Development Platform (CDP) open source and with this groundbreaking move grants other developers access to the same powerful tools that have powered Eve Online for two decades. By opening up the CDP, CCP aims to extend the life and reach of Eve Online, encouraging a broader range of creative contributions and fostering a more dynamic and sustainable gaming universe, with a new technology up its sleeve.

A critical component of CCP’s strategy is the integration of blockchain technology into the CDP. Project Awakening, a new survival experience set in the Eve Online universe, will feature elements of blockchain, although its use will remain optional for developers accessing the open-source CDP finding the sweet spot between those who love blockchain technology stack and those who are yet to experience its potential. This creates a cautious yet forward-thinking approach that allows CCP to explore the benefits of blockchain while mitigating potential risks and backlash from the gaming community, as developers are not the only group that has contrasting views on blockchain.

Project Awakening's blockchain elements promise to bring unprecedented levels of transparency and security to in-game transactions and player interactions which are features much needed in the constantly evolving space of gaming. Imagine a world where every asset, from starships to space stations, can be securely owned, traded, and authenticated on the blockchain. This integration could revolutionize how players interact with their virtual assets, adding a new layer of depth and permanence to the Eve Online experience without introducing the speculative aspect that once left a stain many people remember to this day.

Changing Perception

The shift in CCP’s strategy reflects a broader trend in the gaming industry. Just a few years ago, blockchain was a controversial technology, with many studios hesitant to embrace it to its fullest fearing it will not only be a short-lived trend, but will negatively impact the community’s perception of the product. Public interest fluctuated wildly, and concerns over energy consumption and the speculative nature of cryptocurrencies made blockchain a hard sell to both gamers and developers alike for reasons obvious to all of you. However, as the technology has matured and its applications have become more diverse and sophisticated, perceptions are now changing.

Blockchain is no longer seen merely as a vehicle for financial speculation that damages reputation often beyond repair, as it was with GameFi and NFT mania back in 2021. Instead, it is now becoming increasingly recognized for its potential to enhance game design and player experience. From enabling true digital ownership of in-game assets that are not bound to game’s longevity to creating more secure and transparent gaming ecosystems where players can safely engage in competitive tournaments, blockchain is proving its worth as a versatile and innovative technology.

CCP Games CEO Hilmar Veigar Pétursson has been a vocal advocate for viewing technology, including blockchain, as inherently neutral. He likens blockchain to a "weird database" and emphasizes that its utility depends solely on how it is used, following the old and wise passage saying that the tool is neutral until it finds its wielder who will then shape its perception. This perspective is crucial in dispelling the notion that blockchain is synonymous with financial speculation and other types of harmful behavior. This follows Pétursson's vision where blockchain is used to empower players, giving them more control over their in-game assets and experiences. This shift in perspective is critical in changing how both developers and gamers perceive blockchain technology, moving it away from its controversial past and towards a future where it is seen as a valuable tool for innovation and creativity that will drive the next era of gaming.

The Potential of Community Engagement

Opening up the CDP to the broader developer community is a strategic move that aligns with the principles of decentralization and community engagement that underpin blockchain technology. By making these tools accessible, CCP is not only fostering innovation but also ensuring the longevity and resilience of Eve Online. The game's dedicated community has been instrumental in its success, and empowering this community with the tools to shape the game's future is a bold and forward-thinking approach. This open-source strategy could lead to a renaissance in Eve Online, with a flood of new content and features created by the community. Developers worldwide will have the opportunity to build on the foundation laid by CCP, creating new game modes, assets, and experiences that keep the Eve universe fresh and exciting. This will be the foundational step in integrating blockchain technology into the border gaming world and using it as a tool to empower the community which is nowadays quite limited because of various centralized solutions.

Imagine a future where blockchain technology is seamlessly integrated into all aspects of gaming, from AAA titles to indie projects. Players could own, exchange or trade unique in-game assets across different games and platforms, and on top of that introducing competitions with real money rewards built on top of it. This vision of the future is becoming increasingly attainable as more developers explore the possibilities of blockchain that finally becomes perceived as a neutral tool, not the biased sign of speculation. 

Final Thoughts

The integration of blockchain technology into Web2 gaming, exemplified by CCP Games and Eve Online, marks a significant turning point in the entire gaming industry's approach towards new technology. By making the Carbon Development Platform open source and incorporating blockchain elements into Project Awakening, CCP is not only extending the life of its flagship title but also paving the way for broader acceptance and integration of blockchain in the gaming industry. This move signals a new era where blockchain is seen not as a controversial novelty but as a versatile and neutral tool that can enhance the gaming experience without introducing the harmful aspects seen during 2021 mania.

The journey of blockchain from a contentious technology to a valuable asset in game development reflects the broader evolution of digital technologies that are becoming more understood for what they truly are. As the lines between Web2 and Web3 continue to blur, the gaming industry stands at the forefront of this digital transformation. CCP Games' innovative approach could very well set the stage for a new era of gaming, where blockchain technology is embraced for its potential to create richer, more engaging, and more secure gaming experiences.

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