Deep Dive
September 13, 2024

The Blueprint for Success

Let's unlock the power of gaming by addressing players' needs

In the ever-evolving world of gaming, one title has quietly suggested a path that web3 games would do well to follow: Astro Bot, by Team Asobi. Initially launched as a simple mini-game to showcase the functionalities of the PlayStation 5 back in 2020, Astro's Playroom quickly garnered widespread acclaim, transforming from a minor tech demo into a beloved franchise. This journey from humble beginnings to a fully-fledged success highlights key lessons for the emerging web3 gaming space.

How Astro Bot Paved the Way

Astro Bot’s origins trace back to a modest mini-game included with the PlayStation 5, designed to demonstrate the hardware's features such as the haptic feedback of the DualSense controller. Despite its small scale, players immediately resonated with the game’s creativity, fun mechanics, and polished experience. It wasn't a massive open-world adventure or a complex, multiplayer title. Instead, it focused on simple yet engaging gameplay, utilizing the PS5’s technology to its fullest potential.

Once the full game was released in September 2024, critics quickly took notice, with Astro Bot receiving stellar reviews, earning consistently high ratings like 9/10 and 10/10 from sources such as OpenCritic. In the world of game development, where "bigger" is often equated with "better," Astro Bot stood out as proof that small-scale, focused projects could deliver rich player experiences without the need for AAA-sized budgets or development teams.

The Core of Web3 Success - Listening to Players

Team Asobi, the creators of Astro Bot, operates out of the 15th floor of Sony Entertainment’s building—a relatively small studio of about 65 members. This isn't a sprawling development powerhouse, but it shows that innovation, creativity, and attentiveness to player feedback can create hits without needing to be a large studio. 

What makes Astro Bot’s success story so valuable for web3 gaming is the lesson in player-focused development. At its core, the success of Astro Bot shows that gaming studios need to stay connected with their audiences, taking player feedback seriously and using it to guide game development.

In web3 gaming, this is even more important. The decentralized nature of web3 gives players a sense of ownership and a stake in the games they play, especially if the games are skill-based games focusing on quality competition. For these ecosystems to thrive, developers need to foster a two-way dialogue where the community feels heard and their contributions are integrated into the fabric of the game. In web3, players expect more than just entertainment—they want to be part of the creation process, having a say in game mechanics, content, and even economic models.

The Importance of Engagement in Web3

Astro Bot’s triumph also underscores the importance of engagement. Web3 games, often built around blockchain technologies, NFTs, and token economies, must provide compelling gameplay experiences first and foremost. A game’s financial mechanics cannot stand on their own if the gameplay isn’t fun or engaging.

Astro Bot succeeded because players were immersed in its world, eager to engage with its mechanics. In the same vein, web3 games must prioritize player engagement over pure profit models. They must provide experiences where users feel rewarded not only in a monetary sense but also through enjoyment and the satisfaction of mastering the game.

For instance, consider a web3 game like Axie Infinity. While it experienced a surge in popularity due to its play-to-earn model, it struggled to maintain user engagement over time because the gameplay itself was not as compelling as its earning potential. This is where web3 games can learn from Astro Bot. Creating a great game means focusing on player enjoyment and interaction first, ensuring that players want to return because the game is fun—not just because of the economic incentives tied to NFTs or tokens.

Applying Astro Bot’s Model to Web3

So how can web3 games follow in Astro Bot’s footsteps? The key lies in several principles:

  1. Small, Focused Teams Can Succeed: You don’t need hundreds of developers and massive budgets to make a successful game. A smaller, agile team that listens to the community and continuously iterates based on feedback can achieve extraordinary results.
  2. Listen to Players: Web3 games can’t succeed without an active and invested player base. Engaging with the community, gathering feedback, and incorporating player suggestions are essential to building a game that resonates deeply with its audience. In web3, players often have a financial stake in the ecosystem, which amplifies their desire to see the game succeed. This makes player feedback even more critical.
  3. Engaging Gameplay First: Financial incentives can enhance a game, but they should never be the primary draw. The focus should always be on creating a game that is fun to play and keeps players coming back. As seen with Astro Bot, it wasn’t just about showcasing new technology—it was about offering an experience that delighted players and kept them hooked. Web3 games need to do the same by ensuring that their mechanics are solid and engaging before layering on financial models.
  4. Build for Long-Term Engagement: A one-time hit isn’t enough. Games need to be designed with long-term engagement in mind. Team Asobi managed to expand Astro Bot from a mini-game to a full-fledged title by paying close attention to how players interacted with the game and what they enjoyed the most. Web3 developers must adopt a similar mindset, continuously evolving their games to keep players invested over the long haul.

The Future of Web3 Games

The success of Astro Bot isn’t just a victory for Team Asobi—it’s a model for how web3 games can thrive. The lesson is clear: web3 developers should focus on creating engaging, community-driven experiences that prioritize player input. Building games that listen to and reward players will naturally foster an environment where both creativity and community thrive.

In the world of web3, the players are more than just users—they’re stakeholders and co-creators. If developers can harness this power, the future of web3 gaming could see the rise of many more Astro Bot-like successes, where player engagement drives both gameplay innovation and economic success.

Join the Revolution

If you haven’t joined the Elympics Bot yet, here’s your chance to do so. 

The Elympics Bot on Telegram represents the next step in our mission to revolutionize gaming through web3 technology. We’re excited to bring these games to our community and can’t wait to see how you’ll master the challenges they present.

Ready to dive in? Sign up now at and start playing today. Every game you play, every point you score, and every connection you make is a step forward in the future of gaming with Elympics.

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